Thursday, March 19, 2009

DEFA "Devil"

I apologize for the lateness of this post. I still had my final two midterms this week, and didn't get a chance to watch this until now.

The whole movie felt like a sub-par Monty Python rip-off. It focused on silly voices that weren't silly, and random humor that wasn't humorous. First off, let's talk about the scene where he swordfights the dog about 40 minutes into it. What is this scene trying to accomplish?

Fifty-five minutes in: "That's how a woman should be. Gentle and quiet." This line works very well as a brief analysis of women's roles in fairy tales, but is played right before the hero uses his ridiculous grandma voice.

I like that the devil was more human, like in the story, but I couldn't tell if that was the director's vision or the make-up budget. The fact that their confrontation ends in a pillow fight puts it farther into question. There are too many slapstick scenes like this or where he's trying to ride away on his horse where the movie just devolves into cut-rate slapstick with fast music.

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